Kalau tuan-tuan nak dakwah orang hindu jangan guna bible. Dalam agama Hindu ada banyak kitab suci. Yang paling lama dan paling dikenali ialah kitab vedha. Sebenarnya dalam ajaran hindu pun suruh supaya mengesakan Allah. Ada satu mentera yang bagus iaitu;
“Jkend mhgukm jfut nfajfkjidk mdfipooa kakaehdhm nbfu uycdu”. Siapa boleh ulang balik yang saya baca tadi, sekali dengan tajwidnya? Kalimat ini membawa pengertian bahawa Allah maha esa. Orang hindu dilarang menyembah bahan yang diperbuat daripada tangan.
Nak dakwah orang yang tidak percaya tuhan ataupun atheis sebenarnya mudah saja. Mereka telah percaya bahawa tiada tuhan. Hari-hari mereka bawa pemikiran tiada tuhan, tiada tuhan, tiada tuhan. Kerja kita sudah selesai separuh. Cumanya kita kena tambah kat mereka, …melainkan Allah. Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah. Separuh kerja kita dakwah orang atheis dah selesai.
Orang yang tidak percaya tuhan ini menerima logik dan sains. Dalam quran sebenarnya banyak fakta sains yang telah dibuktikan kebenarannya. Bila quran diturunkan? Lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu. Zaman itu tak adapun benda-benda canggun. Tahu apa itu canggun? Canggih campur anggun! Kenapa saya guna perkataan canggun? Ini ceramah sayakan, jadi ikut suka sayalah.
Al-Quran yang diturunkan lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu telah dibuktikan kesahihannya. Al-Quran telah mendahului sains. Cerita fasal teori big bang quran sebut dalam surah al anbiya’, surat 21 ayat 30, matahari berpusing, surah yasin, surah 36 ayat 38, gunung berada di pasak, an naba’, surah 78 ayat 7, an naziat, surah 79 ayat 32, proses kejadian manusia surah al haj surah 22 ayat 5, kejadian cap ibu jari manusia, surah al qiyamah, surah 75 ayat 4. Satu, satu, satu ayat kita boleh kemukakan daripada al-quran.
yeah right... being an atheist meant that any god, any form of deity does not feature in things we consider exist... and to convince us that there is such a thing like god, you need solid, irrefutable proof... where is the proof? In the Koran where all scientific facts are proved to be wrong?
I'm here to ask for someone to convince me of the existence of god... well then, do your job... I've been searching for anyone good enough to convince me, and so far, none did...
oh yeah... don't use foul language, we are educated civilized men...
If you think human exist just like that, without any creator (God), please show to us if there are any cars, furnitures or houses that are created in just one blink of our eyes, without any factories creating it.
If you have already showed us any proof like that, then we will believe that God does not exist. Can you?
Click here if you want to know more about Islam :
Yeah, humans exist, we can see that... But of all possibilities, must it be "God did it"?
Unlike other possibilities and theories, "God did it" is a claim based totally on faith, and faith literally means "believing without actually knowing"... No solid proof can be presented...
When you were asking me for the proof, did you even consider if you can actually prove that God created all these things around us?
I admit it, I cannot prove what you are asking me to prove, because that is not what my opinion is... There are better way to explain our origins... The theory of evolution, natural selection, etc...
Not looking good here... You'll have to do better to convince me...
Your Truly,
Atheistic Thinker
First of all, I want to see how a baby is created in front of my own eyes, outside of his mom's womb. But I know it is not possible because no matter what happen, in order for the baby to be completed the process must be done inside a human. That's how God work to create us all. We can't see what He did but we believe He really done everything, like how we believe the baby is created slowly inside his mom's womb even though we never saw it directly in front of our eyes.
And now, about the theory of evolution. Even if it's true based on your beliefs, what are the origin of theory of evolution then? How come the bigbang just happened like that, creating the stars and sun, and the lights from it shine the earth and started the evolution if there's no other powerful power doing it? I am here still with my beliefs that God really does exist. It's just that we cant see it. Now, let me ask you this question. Can you take a knife and cut your hand? I bet it must be very painful right? But can you see the pain? Same as God, He exist but we just cant see him. There are things that is beyond our knowledge. That's why we need faith that everything beyond our knowledge is God's truly power.
Your comment:
First of all, I want to see how a baby is created in front of my own eyes, outside of his mom's womb. But I know it is not possible because no matter what happen, in order for the baby to be completed the process must be done inside a human. That's how God work to create us all. We can't see what He did but we believe He really done everything, like how we believe the baby is created slowly inside his mom's womb even though we never saw it directly in front of our eyes.
My Answer:
We can see a fetus developing in its mother's womb... That's what we in the scientific community the ultrasound scan...
And when you mean God did it, do you mean like explained in the Sura Al-Mukminun?
Your Comment:
And now, about the theory of evolution. Even if it's true based on your beliefs, what are the origin of theory of evolution then? How come the bigbang just happened like that, creating the stars and sun, and the lights from it shine the earth and started the evolution if there's no other powerful power doing it? I am here still with my beliefs that God really does exist. It's just that we cant see it. Now, let me ask you this question. Can you take a knife and cut your hand? I bet it must be very painful right? But can you see the pain? Same as God, He exist but we just cant see him. There are things that is beyond our knowledge. That's why we need faith that everything beyond our knowledge is God's truly power.
My Answer:
The Theory of Evolution states that life began as self-replicating atom, which in time develop into simple unicellular organism, which then develop into simple multicellular organism, and the development goes on...
And how exactly did God create everything based on your claim? From what? Explain...
By the way, I can't see pain, and I cant see force and energy, yet pan can be felt, while God cannot, literally... Force and energy leave traces, God did not...
So, if i can't see it does not means it does not exist, but does it necessarily means that it does?
Proving me wrong does not mean that you are correct... Prove yourself right, then you can show me that what you are claiming is indeed true..
Yours Truly,
Atheistic Thinker...
we cannot feel the presence of god because we sway away from Him, religion teaches us how to embrace god, you may think that embracing god is like giving ourselves to some stupid idea, but in return when we are in trouble and there is no one around we can always depend on god. we must admit it, everyone have felt like they are missing something, and that thing is God. the feel of being nothing but a lowly human, we are talking about emotions here, though i have my own religion i am trying my best to convince you with just the valid existence of god. God is not an emotion, God is true and valid. God will always help those in need, those who pray for him. every religion has their own god.
Well if you dont believe in god, then you can go ahead living a life full of emptiness without god, you are just an empty vessel wasting this life for nothing, if you are an atheist and feel like this life has no value whatsoever, then you should be better off dying because you have no purpose in this life, you are the same as animals then? . BUT! even animals, they have their purpose in life, to feed us, to aid us plants, lands etc. they are all made for a reason. us humans are the reason why those (animals plants etc) are here among us.
Someone that Embraced God.
dear respected atheist,
i have noticed your comment about the evolution theory, that life was started from the splitting of an atom, my question is, where does the first atom came from?
what proves do you have stating that the evolution theory is true may i ask? because if it is true then some new species should have been found, especially with us humans super technology :)
yours truly,
curiously curious anonymous
From the moment the public became aware of the dangers of smoking a couple decades ago, lots of individuals are finding quitting the tobacco habit hard. Companies had been innovating and manufacturing stopping smoking products for quite some time now. From nicotine patches to gum, nicotine addicts have been using them to quit their habit.
Your Comment:
Well if you dont believe in god, then you can go ahead living a life full of emptiness without god, you are just an empty vessel wasting this life for nothing, if you are an atheist and feel like this life has no value whatsoever, then you should be better off dying because you have no purpose in this life, you are the same as animals then? . BUT! even animals, they have their purpose in life, to feed us, to aid us plants, lands etc. they are all made for a reason. us humans are the reason why those (animals plants etc) are here among us.
My Answer.
See? that is the pride and ignorance I have been experiencing around me... I'm an atheist, so I am worse than an animal? On the basis of what? I don't believe in the same "invisible man in the sky as you are"?
I value my life, I don't want to die, but I am not petrified by death... That's why I want to live a live worth living for, instead of devoting my life to an "invisible man" whose existence is filled with doubt, who threaten me to go to hell if i don't believe what he said, who is sadistic, jealous, hypocrite, filled with vengeance, and who can't even count and add simple integers, and filled with negativity...
Your Comment:
i have noticed your comment about the evolution theory, that life was started from the splitting of an atom, my question is, where does the first atom came from?
what proves do you have stating that the evolution theory is true may i ask? because if it is true then some new species should have been found, especially with us humans super technology :)
My answer...
If you haven't noticed, the Evolution Theory is called a "THEORY", and a theory is "A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something based on available evidence, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained"
A theory can be wrong, and in Science, it is not a sin to be wrong, because being wrong means that we are a step closer to uncovering the truth... So if the Theory of Evolution is proved to be wrong by an evidence, then it is a good thing because we are actually learning something, instead of just claiming that a "God" did it... We learn from mistake...
And actually, the burden of proof and evidence is not on me...
For example, if a salesmen came to us and try to sell their products. Do we, as a customer should justify why we want to buy, or not buy the product? Or is it the salesmen who should convince us that the product is good and that we should buy it...
So, here I would like to stress that PROVING ME WRONG DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE RIGHT... Prove your claim is true, because I don't consider that GOD exist... I don't know whether God exist or not... If so, then I would like to see the evidence, solid, concrete evidence...
If you fail to bring forward any evidence whatsoever, then you should stop to wonder if you are right or wrong...
Well, I don't think you will budge from your stance in the matter, because you are already indoctrinated and brainwashed and trained to be like a pet... Following orders without questioning, believing a "book" without even knowing what the book is saying...
I don't want to insult all of you, but you insulted me with pride...
Yours Truly,
Atheistic Thinker
Your Comment:
what proves do you have stating that the evolution theory is true may i ask? because if it is true then some new species should have been found, especially with us humans super technology :)
My Answer,
This again shows your ignorance, as you are commenting about the Theory of Evolution without even trying to know about the theory...
Let me enlighten you...
The theory of Evolution states;
"Evolution is the change over time in ONE or MORE inherited traits found in populations of organisms. INHERITED TRAITS are particular distinguishing characteristics, including ANATOMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL or BEHAVIORAL characteristics, that are passed on from one generation to the next."
Now, there are still organism which are EVOLVING... for Example, swallow, evolved their behavior to fit in with life in the cities, making nest in building, scavenging for food alongside humans...
Another example:
TETRODOTOXIN is a kind of toxin secreted by amphibian on it's skin, to prevent predators from preying on them... Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) has evolved resistance to the tetrodotoxin, making it able to feed on its amphibian prey.
As you can see, Evolution does NOT necessarily means the spawning of a new species... Changes in current species, measures taken to prevent its extinction...
The proofs are all around you... If you would spend more of your time thinking and less on mindless anger, labeling and hating, probably you will not be asking me this silly question...
With Love,
Atheistic Thinker
Your Answer:
we cannot feel the presence of god because we sway away from Him, religion teaches us how to embrace god, you may think that embracing god is like giving ourselves to some stupid idea, but in return when we are in trouble and there is no one around we can always depend on god. we must admit it, everyone have felt like they are missing something, and that thing is God. the feel of being nothing but a lowly human, we are talking about emotions here, though i have my own religion i am trying my best to convince you with just the valid existence of god. God is not an emotion, God is true and valid. God will always help those in need, those who pray for him. every religion has their own god.
My Answer:
This is clearly a form of ESCAPISM, because you are not answering my point...
You can just say those things, just like I can say that there is a FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER in the SKY, and IT tells US to WORSHIP him... would you BELIEVE what i just said there???
Atheistic Thinker
In the end it all ends with everyone believing in their own opinion, the best way to know whether god exist or not is by seeing the end of results.
Atheist believes that there is no afterlife, and god whatsoever.
Religious people believes that there is an afterlife and the existence of god.
Each with their own opinion, lets say that this form of ESCAPISM is true, then good luck in the afterlife. But if it is wrong then have fun wasting your life.
Is this correct?
Opinions varies,
If atheist dont believe in god then dont bother about those who believes in god.
If religious people believe in god then dont bother about those that believes in god.
this maybe a form of ignorance but battling of opinions will never solve anything but will create more problem, such as this misunderstanding.
As a matter of fact, life can form without any supernatural help...
In natural science, ABIOGENESIS or BIOPOESIS is the study of how biological life arises from inorganic matter through natural processes, and the method by which life on Earth arose.
Most amino acids, often called "THE BUILDING BLOCK OF LIFE", can form via natural chemical reactions unrelated to life, as demonstrated in the MILLER-UREY EXPERIMENT and similar experiments that involved simulating some of the conditions of the early Earth in a laboratory.
In all living things, these amino acids are organized into proteins, and the construction of these proteins is mediated by nucleic acids, that are themselves synthesized through biochemical pathways catalysed by proteins. Which of these organic molecules first arose and how they formed the first life is the focus of abiogenesis.
Life can begin without supernatural intervention...
Peace be upon you,
Atheistic Thinker...
dear atheist, if you have any thoughts and want to know more about God and Islam preferably you can contact me through my facebook, having a quick chat would be more appropriate. since writing in long sentences would just increase misunderstandings.
I would gladly answer all of your doubts, maybe we can even be friends (:
Opinions varies,
If atheist dont believe in god then don't bother about those who believes in god.
If religious people believe in god then don't bother about THOSE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD... Don't call us atheist as bad persons... WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE??
If there is an afterlife, the so be it...
If there is NO AFTERLIFE, then NO PROBLEM... Don't blindly say that we are wasting our life, because again, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE??? Ultimately, we are all human beings... Nothing makes you religious people any better than us, and nothing make us atheist better than all of you... We are all human, sharing one planet, living alongside each other...
I am entitled to the right of my own OPINION, and as long as you keep yours to yourself, then I don't have a problem with you...
Finally, as a conclusion, "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHETHER TO BELIEVE IN GOD OR NOT, AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE MY LIFE AS I WANT TO"... you have no right to judge me and you have no right to demean me just because I am an ATHEIST...
Before I leave, I would like to share a quote with you religious people to ponder upon...
Religion is like a penis....
Its nice to have one....
Its fine to be proud of it....
Never wave it around in public....
And never....
NEVER EVER try to shove it down my throat!!!!
No offence intended, just a friendly reminder from me as our parting gift...
I dont have much to say. I just hoping that hidayah will be shine upon you O atheist.
And thanks for commenting here. You atheist is just trying to make an argument with religious people who will never accept your opinion just the way you will never accept our opinion. Such a useless debating session right?
So, enjoy your life to the fullest and please do everything you want. You may kill people and claims that no God will punish you aftermath. Haha
Lastly, a quote from me:
"Atheist is just a bunch of people trying to be brilliant."
p/s: No offence intended too, as you are already leaving this comment section.
“The mind of a bigot (religious zealot) is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.”- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Sila baca di pautan ini
Dear Atheistic Thinker:
I'm with Nordin..
Well,the way for someone to feel God or in my stand, Allah SWT's presence is to have a receptor..You live by believing in the facts of science..
So,you must've been familiar to the nervous system and hormone system, aren't you..??
Each human, plant, and animal has one of each,regardless of its form..But still there is something that communicate from the outside to the inside so that an organism can feel and do things..But,there are those who cannot feel for their nerves or hormonal glands has stopped or, if working, not in an appropriate way..And that person will do anything to make sure he/she can feel again despite monetary or physical constraints..
Feeling the presence of God is the same..There are those who cannot feel God..So what should that person do~??
Of course,that person must strive for it..And again it comes to the decision of that particular person..To work for it,or simply let it go..So it is a colossal waste of time if we are trying to convince if you're not ready to work to feel God yourself..No offense..~
Soooo~ Wanna play "you're wrong so I must be right"?
There are tonnes of ways to question the existence of your so called "Allah" and God...
And the funny thing is, you won't even care to defend this claim of yours, and instead insult me and my kind, and pretend that you weren't listening. Here are my argument...
The Problem of Evil:
Epicurus’ formulation:
P1. If a perfectly good god exists, then there is no evil in the world.
P2. There is evil in the world.
P3. Therefore, a perfectly good god does not exist.
Abrahamic God, (Islam, Christians, Jews) are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent
Theodicies (your claims) can all be refuted with the premise that God is:
A. Omnipotent (all-powerful)
B. Omniscient (all-knowing)
C. Omnibenevolent (all-loving/good)
The Theodicies
I. Big-plan theodicy
a. What it is:
i. All suffering of innocent beings is part of a big plan and had to happen. The whole plan, however, is completely good.
b. Defeated:
i. If God is all powerful, he can devise a “big plan” which does not encompass evil.
II. Punishment theodicy
a. What it is:
i. When we see people suffer terribly, the reason for this is that they have sinned. Their suffering is a punishment for their sins.
b. Defeated:
i. This is explains why God would punish evil-doers. However, much of the suffering is undeserved. Take children, and those born into poverty, slavery, or otherwise: they still suffer tremendously. Also, this can be defeated with the argument of omnibenevolence: an all-loving god would not create suffering in the first place.
III. Suffering-builds-character theodicy
a. What it is:
i. The basic idea is that suffering of innocents will help them to become stronger. All evil offers us the possibility to learn from it and grow into a better human being. This theodicy is sometimes called the “soul-making theodicy”.
b. Defeated:
i. If God is all powerful he could have eliminated the need for evil by making us characterized to begin with.
IV. Contrast theodicy
a. What it is:
i. We need evil in the universe to know that there is good. If there were no evil and everything were good, we could not tell that it is good.
b. Defeated:
i. If God were omnibenevolent he would not have neglected to make the good that we are lacking in place of evil.
V. Devil theodicy
a. What it is:
i. Innocent suffer because the devil likes to let innocents suffer.
b. Defeated:
i. If God were omnipotent he could override the power of Satan. This also suggests that Satan exists outside of God, a whole new problem unto itself.
VI. Test theodicy
a. What it is:
i. Earthly life is just a test. God has thrown us into this world full of evil and pointless suffering in order to find out what kind of beings we are. Without the pointless suffering, his test is not complete. If we pass, we go to heaven. If we fail, we go to hell.
b. Defeated:
i. God cannot be omniscient under this premise, because then he would already know whether or not I’m going to fail and the test would be pointless in the first place.
Free will cap: If God is all knowing, you can’t have free will.
All Holy Scripture can be disprove easily. In this case, The Quran is a book filled with numerical contradictions, historical blunders, immoral examples, and false scientific facts.
If the book is as PERFECT as you would claim it was, then it must be free from all kind of mistake.
Want me to point out the imperfections of the Quran? Cuz there's tonnes of it...
Back in Syle,
Atheistic Thinker o0o
dear nordin, stop reading your holy book for a while and spend 1 hour to think deeper about the conflicts, injustices and sufferings here in our world and all you can see is the imperfections of ur God - if He ever exists!
Yours truly
the mirror of god
i give up... you win...
81.And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."
82. We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. (al-isra’)
87. ..and never give up hope of Allah.s Soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah.s Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith."(yusuf)
Dengan hanya membaca quran dua kali tidak mungkin dapat memahaminya dengan baik, lebih-lebih lagi jika terjemahan quran yang dibaca. Sebenarnya tidak ada percanggahan dalam quran. Ayat yang dikatakan bercanggah itu adalah kerana kecetekan ilmu manusia. Untuk faham quran terlebih dahulu kena faham bahasa Arab. Rujuk kepada kitab-kitab tafsir yang muktabar, bukan sekadar terjemahan sahaja. Perbincangan saya di kafe tempohari, seorang bapa sememangnya mahukan supaya anaknya mempunyai akidah yang sejahtera. Dia minta tolong supaya akidah anaknya dapat dipulihkan.
Who are these theorists so imperfection (eat, shit and sleep) if compared with Allah and rasool? Who are you so imperfection (eat shit and sleep) talking about Islam and Allah. Lakum di nukum waliyadeen (for you is your religion/belief and for me is my belief/religion).
ustad, saya terpikat dengan cara hidup islam, terpikat dengan ketenangan pengganutnya, bolehkah saya mengganut agama islam secara rahsia, memandangkan kedua-dua org ibu bapa saya amat kuat pegangan agama kristiannya, bagi mengelakan perselisihan berlaku, namun kadang2 niat ini terbantut juga kerana merasakan diri ini tidak layak untuk menganuti agama suci ini,, diharapkan ustad dapat membantu.
kenapa tiap kali saya berniat untuk menjadi seorang yg lebih baik dari kemarin, saya pula menjadi semakin jahat? bagaimana menghilangkan perasaan dengki? entah bila saya mula pandai merasa iri hati terhadap kawan2 terutama yang pernah menyakitkan hati saya. Walaupun saya belum sampai ke tahap menganiaya org lain, tapi perasaan iri hati dan dengki tu sukar untuk saya buang. saya cuba berusaha untuk membaiki hati saya tapi sia2....tolonglah saya
Lebih baik dapatkan nasihat ustaz dengan cara berdepan dengannya.
kelakar kadang2 tengok puak2 yang tak percaya Islam ni...mempertahankan teori2 yg datangnya dari scientist2 yg semasa kecilnya tak tahu apa2...pergi sekolah...universiti..jadi pandai...pastu kunun nya dgn kepandaian mereka...sampai boleh menentukan apa yg telah terjadi dimasa silam...i.e. evolution theory...darwin theory etc etc...
scientist2 ini membesar dengan merujuk kpd buku2 yg ditulis oleh manusia juga...orang yg mengarang buku yg mereka rujuk ini juga..sama seperti mereka...emasa kecilnya tak tahu apa2...pergi sekolah...universiti..jadi pandai...pastu kunun nya dgn kepandaian mereka...sampai boleh menentukan apa yg telah terjadi dimasa silam...hahaa...
geli ketiak aku ni....
Lakum di nukum waliyadeen (for you is your religion/belief and for me is my belief/religion...betullah tu...semuaya ada dlm Al Quran....
drpd korang (athiest) buang masa argue tentang Islam yg serba betul dan lengkap ini...baik ko pi argue ttg agama2 yg lain...yg langsung takde hala tuju....
atau adakah kerana Islam ini betul dan serba lengkap...dan agama2 lain sememangnya tak mampu nak menangkis fahaman athiest korang...maka korang jadikan islam sasaran utk dihentam...atheist itu sebenarnya satu fahaman "menghalalkan cara"...itu saje....
hye...before I answer your question, whether god really exist or not..i would like to ask you, can we see oxygen gas? we can not see ,right?..but people can breathe oxygen and stay alive. Until now there's no solid proof that say we can see oxygen with our naked eye. but we believe oxygen exist. The same goes with god, even though we can not see with our naked eye, in Islam we believe that all things are created by God. Even though, the machine, car,telephone,house, and all human-made things are created by human, we believe that God create brain so that human can invent all the great machine in this world. Without brain, people can not think and do great things. Besides, who else can create brain? There must be a creator. The only One who has power to do anything.
menarik - tapi saya cuma mampu kata kami dengar kami ikut dan kami percaya ... hidayah Milik Allah. you guys done well dah rasanya menyampaikan risalah dan i bear witness on that...
hak faham tak faham hidayahnya Allah yg bagi.. kuk tak de aral Islamlah dia dengar sebenarnya else.. he will enjoy this worldly life as he like and later all will be asked..
who are we to deny all the nikmah yang kita dan semua orang dapat ni.. mereka cuma tidak mencari kebenaran... kalau cari they will do research dah.. tapi carian dengan niat nak kebenaran ..
to the other people who do not believes ..
end with verse ar rahman - only if you want to read..
The Rahman (The All-Merciful Allah) (1)
Has taught the Qur’an. (2)
He has created man. (3)
He has taught him (how) to express himself. (4)
The sun and the moon are (bound) by a (fixed) calculation. (5)
And the vine and the tree both prostrate (to Allah). 1 (6)
He raised the sky high, and has placed the scale, (7)
So that you should not be wrongful in weighing. 2 (8)
Observe the correct weight with fairness, and do not make weighing deficient. (9)
As for the earth, He has placed it for creatures, (10)
In which there are fruits and date palms having sheaths, (11)
And the grain having chaff, and fragrant flowers. (12)
So, (O mankind and Jinn,) which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? (13)
katakan bagi yang tak pecaya takde tuhan dan hari kebangkitan atau syurga dan neraka SEPERTI mana kata2 Ali r.a kepada org kafir quraisy ketika diajukan SOALAN yang sama kepadanya..
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